Michael J. Sullivan’s Age of Empyre (The Legends of the First Empire #6)
They died, now they need to come back – the very fate of mankind depends on it.
Book reviews, novel progress, and other writing related musings.
Michael J. Sullivan’s Age of Empyre (The Legends of the First Empire #6)
They died, now they need to come back – the very fate of mankind depends on it.
Michael J. Sullivan’s Age of Death (The Legends of the First Empire #5)
With fear and unwavering faith, Tressa led them into the underworld; with great hesitancy they had followed.
Late on a monthly recap again. I’m considering making these quarterly recaps going forward, that would help me not fall behind in posting them, but it might also mean I put off working on my goals because of the longer time between self-check-ins. I’ll think about it. Old Goals The goals I set for July…
Charlie Nardozzi’s The Complete Guide to No-Dig Gardening
Growing a garden that requires less weeding is easier than it sounds.
Mark McGinn’s Home Truths
The aftermath of a cop being arrested and then jumping bail, makes a year of aftershocks from a devastating earthquake seem easy.
She Reads Truth/ He Reads Truth’s Attributes of God
God; the Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End; so infinite and all-encompassing. How can we even begin to understand Him?
Michael J. Sullivan’s Age of Legend (The Legends of the First Empire #4)
The war with the Fhrey has officially begun. Limping from an almost-lost victory, the humans rally for the next clash; but battle never plays out as expected.
Jessie North’s Walking In The New (Cultivating Holy Beauty #3)
You have a personal relationship with God, but how do you grow more confident in His love and leading in your life? How do you continue to build that relationship?
I fully intended to post these recaps every month, but have definitely been falling short of that, so I’ve been getting them posted as I get around to writing them. Old Goals Lately, a lot of my time has been prioritized to new tasks around the house (for example, we now have chickens, and are…
Michael J. Sullivan’s Age of War (The Legends of the First Empire #3)
The Fhrey elves rule the world as though they were gods; but now, separate human clans unite to defend themselves from these pseudo gods’ wrath – so the war begins.